Like many of you I started this year with a pen and paper in hand ready to plan for the “BEST YEAR EVER”. What goals will I reach? which things will I cut out of my life (and diet)? and most importantly when will I start?
Have you heard the phrase "no better time than the present"? Maybe at church, school, or motivational speakers. This phrase was first recorded in 1562 and it still holds its weight in 2020 gracing IG and FB feeds everywhere. But how do we take a phrase like that and put it into action? Most of us start with a list #1. Apply for our dream job #2. More disciplined healthy lifestyle #3. Finally paint that guest bathroom. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure it will require work. In fact, what usually stands in our way is that our desire doesn’t always match our dedication.
If you are anything like me you might lay in bed at the end of the day thinking about that last load of laundry that you didn’t fold and put away, then all of a sudden unfolded laundry turns into “I suck at life?!” (I know I am a bit dramatic, bear with me) we tie a lot of our success in life to our daily accomplishments. And if you have an off day you can get pretty discouraged. But let me encourage you my friend, you are not alone! We all have off days it’s part of the journey. When we hear phrases like “we are all allotted the same 24 hours in a day as…(actor, designer, blogger)” it can be daunting. Yes, how we use our 24hrs does determine where we are going but for a second let’s not compare ourselves to others. Instead lets use this gift of seeing their success to figure out just how they did it. My reason for writing is not to reprimand but rather to reignite a passion or fan a dimly lit flame.
Today as I sit at my kitchen table/office/the new lunch spot ( thank you COVID-19), I think about all that has changed in the last four months, even the last five years. Due to the recent events of COVID-19 we’ve ventured from distance learning to complete virtual schooling. When I think about this rare opportunity I’ve been given to provide a safe space for my children to continue learning while we are in the midst of a state mandated quarantine, I am grateful. In fact i’m running my photography business along with freelance graphic work/creative consulting contracts all while being a SAHM. This was not always the case, just 6 years ago I was working as a medical secretary. I enjoyed helping patients, and gave it my best working for some talented health professionals. While at work I missed my children terribly, in the back of my head I would dream up scenarios where I get to be home with my kiddos and still financially contribute to my household. The dreaming often frustrated more than it inspired me. Riddled with questions like, why do my goals outweigh my accomplishments? 7 years felt like a long time to dream without seeing any fruit. I want to share with you what I did during this season of waiting.
Faith being such an important part of my life, often I would seek answers in scriptures like “The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord.” (psalms 37:23) while that was very encouraging I was looking for a five step plan (any enneagram 6’s out there?). I needed the details, who, what, where, when, why and most importantly how? Dreaming was always the easy part; it's when you start to work out those details where you begin to find the obstacles. Another reason why I am writing to you today, encouraging you to not lose hope! Dreaming my friends requires faith and bravery, Faith to plan and bravery to start.
Which brings me back to the scripture in psalms 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord.”, the word that stood out was “steps”. Steps is an action word and requires just that, action. This means that you should start moving even when you don’t have all the details in order. While I was dropping kids off at daycare and going to work I was still preparing. Some actions I took that you can also take while you're in your waiting season are:
Planning: Deciding which plan of action best fits your life style and figuring out how you will implement it.
Learning: In this age of information we are a few you tube videos away form mastering so many skills.
Praying: Do not forsake the small and steady moments in prayer. We have a God who cares about every detail.
Write it all down: Documenting is such an important part of the journey. This was one of the ways I combatted discouragement. Looking back and reminding yourself just how far you have come helps you keep your eyes on the prize.
We often confuse success with the place of arrival and not the process in which it takes to get there. Most people don’t embrace their failures, they just quit. Some take for granted these slow seasons in life. Looking back I realized those moments gave me the time to catch my breath, improve my skill and perfect my gifts. Friends, these small and steady steps are important ones, because of the promise that they are ordered of the Lord. All of those years in the medical field I was still planning, learning, and praying and it brought me here.
The simplicity and wonder of it all is that dreams don’t need a perfected plan, just a plan. So you don’t have to wait, you can start now! Take out those planners, notebooks, post-it notes and start taking steps. Planning so when the right opportunity comes along or when this quarantine is lifted, you will be ready. Don’t waste the pain and disappointments of life’s fleeting moments. They are not missed opportunities, they're just practice. Use these experiences, gain inspiration, and use it to push you in the right direction. Friend, let today be the start of something beautiful.